It can occur gradually as you grow older. It is one of the most common conditions in inner ear affecting older and elderly people. It most often occurs in both ears and because the loss is gradual, you may not even realize that you have lost some of your ability to hear. Some of the possible causes of this type of hearing loss are Ageing, side effects of drugs specifically used for chemotherapy, exposure to loud sounds. This type of hearing loss can be treated with the help of hearing aids with modern technology.
Causes of sensorineural hearing loss
Treatment for sensorineural hearing loss
There is no cure for sensorineural hearing loss, but hearing aids can help people with sensorineural hearing loss to hear better. The best way to diagnose and treat sensorineural hearing loss is to visit a hearing professional for a full hearing evaluation.
Its usually caused by an obstruction in the outer or middle ear. It can happen in all age groups due to swelling, infection or a benign tumor, excessive wax in the ear and a sudden damage to the ear drum. This type of hearing loss is usually medically treatable and sometimes entirely curable.
What are the symptoms?
People with conductive hearing loss will find soft sounds difficult to hear at all pitches, both low and high.
Causes of conductive hearing loss